Saturday, February 2, 2008

House of Hope, Mardi Gras, and Bathroom Breaks

One thing that I have been elected to do over the past couple of years is be an 'orientator' for groups that come in. I get them settled in at the hotel, help them understand the culture (well, as much as I do), and take them around different high points of Port-de-Paix.
The group that was in this past week was from Florida. They were a group of older adults (60's-70's) who were up for any challenge we gave them! Yesterday, Allison, Cady, Kala, Josh, John, and I went with them downtown to the market. Market can be an overwhelming experience, with Haitians stopping you, asking for money, or for you to buy something from their table.
After that, we drove out to La Pointe, to one of my favorite places, the House of Hope. This is an
orphanage/hospital for children whose parents can't take care of them, are malnourished, or have TB (on the well end of that). One of these babies, Oldina, has become my favorite. I immediately search for her when I get there, and then hold on to her until they make me leave!

This coming week we have a break. I know, we have been here for a month and already have a week off!! Here in Haiti...we get Mardi Gras week off and then we have Easter break as well. Anyway, this week I will be doing nothing but relaxing (so email me if you want!) and on Wednesday, 8 of us ladies are heading to Cap Haitian for a relaxing little 4 day retreat. It will be fun to get away, lay by a pool, go shopping at little vendors, and even go to the Citadelle! It will be fun, and also a time for me to get my 'ducks in a row' concerning my next year decisions. So...we will see!

Lastly...I am putting this on here for Cady (it is funny too), on Thursday we were preparing to go outside for recess. My kids were decorating their sponsorship envelopes, and were a little perturbed with me when I told them it was time to get ready to go outside. I heard a moan go across the room, so I told my class that they would be able to work on their envelopes when we came back in and they were having their bathroom break. Dimitri (who loves to bring me gifts) looked at me in all seriousness and said..."Miss Ashley, why did are you going to break the bathroom?" Oh the joys of literal meaning!!!

1 comment:

supermommysquared said...

Have fun on your break and I hope you are able to figure out what the future hold for you. You know I would love to have you back here in the US, but I want you to do what you are called to do, so I will be happy either way. Love you!